Saturday, February 3, 2018

Our melted Sneezy's!
We had a lot of fun reading and writing about snowmen! We even had snowmen in our math problems! We read some great books. The first was Sneezy the Snowman.  We learned about story elements and practiced retelling the story.  Sneezy had a problem- he was cold! He tried 3 things to help solve his problem, but he melted each time.  There are things a snowman just shouldn't do! Sneezy's friends tried to find a solution for him.  First they gave him a hat.  Still cold.  Then they gave him a scarf. Still cold. Then they gave him a jacket. Oops! Now Sneezy is hot! He thought maybe he should take the clothes off, but we all knew that if he did that he would just be cold again.  His friends suggested leaving the clothes on AND eating ice-cream! The clothes  and 7 scoops of ice-cream was the solution! 

We also read Snowmen at Night. This book explains why snowmen sometimes look droopy... they've been up playing all night! We drew and wrote about what OUR snowmen do! We also drew and wrote about what snowmen should NOT do! We did lots of sequencing and story element work on these two books.  We are learning soooo much! 

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